Why Spray your trees?
Evergreen tress in our valley have a lot of challenges to stay healthy. The top issues we see are Scale and White Pine Weevil. If you see the tops of your evergreens bent over, loosing their needles, or brown it might be too late. Prevention is the best tool against White Pine Weevil and Scale. Once the White Pine Weevil lay their eggs in the tops of the trees the larva later hatch and bore their way threw the top branch killing 1-3 feet at the very top of your tree, causing an eye sore and stunting your trees growth. Spraying twice a year can completley prevent White Pine Weevil from getting on your trees.
Scale is a small white bug that literally sucks the life out of your trees. Scale can quickly spread and cause your trees to start loosing large amounts of needles and eventually kill your entire tree within a short time. Once scale sets in it takes a few seasons to get it under control but the good news is if its caught soon enough your trees can fully recover. We recommend getting on a scheduled tree spraying thought the year to prevent any future issues with your trees.
Scale up close.
This is how your trees will start to look once scale gets out of control.